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Posts: 70
As I have more time now I cleared my bookshelf and found a real nice photo of "war canoes" in the November 1927 issue of TRAVEL, a magazine published in New York by Robert M. McBride & Co.

The text reads (these head hunting stories were very popular in the 1920 - I think thanks to Jack London & Martin Johnson):

Chanting the song of victory
When the Solomon islanders return from a successful head-hunting raid they celebrate by chanting their victory song. However, in these days of swift European gunboats, head-hunting is rarely practised. The natives have hidden their magnificent war canoes and any raids they carry on are done in the greatest secrecy. The beautiful crescent-shaped war boat of the Solomon Islanders can be rowed at an amazing speed. The high-carved bow and stern are inlaid with mother of pearl and wreathed with shells and feathers. Manned with powerful islanders gaudily painted and fully armed they present an incomparable spectacle of barbaric splendor.

2009-02-14 16:36