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Following the comment by Rufus in October 2013 PACIFICA I decided to test the water by sending stamped self-addressed postcards to both Home Island and to West Island with a request to postmark and return openly through the post. There is no guarantee that the cards intended for Home Island actually reached their destination. My suspicion is that all my items were postmarked at West Island. I attach a scan of a postcard showing the latest cds of 24 January 2014 with KEELING in brackets and ISLANDS (plural). An example attached from April 2012 has no brackets around KEELING and has ISLAND (singular). The latest 2014 version is very similar to the same type of cds seen in October 2003 which reads Australia 6799 in two lines where the 2014 version reads WA 6799 in one line.

Now, this is getting silly. I have just examined other postcards cancelled at West Island in 2012 and found a different version. What can be described as a 'hybrid' of the two already reported. Has KEELING in brackets and ISLAND (singular). The letters in COCOS are also thicker and rounder compared to the other versions which are oval.
[Last edited by criddell, 2014-02-11 11:53]
2014-02-09 13:59