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Posts: 70
In PACIFICA No. 9 1971. page 43, Roger Wells reports that the PAQUEBOT postmark was withdrawn from use on 15 October and has not been replaced.
On the New Hebrides website www.ro-klinger.de/NH the last cover with this postmark was dated 4 July 1971.
My friend Fred Petit, Port Vila, Vanuatu sent me a scan of a ship cover in his collection from S.S. ARKCADIA with this PAQUEBOT postmark from 4 August 1977.
And the French collector "SeSi" sent me a scan of an Australian Aerogramme with this postmark dated 19 July 1980.
So the Roger Wells date has to be corrected.
[Last edited by rklinger, 2015-01-30 10:32]
2015-01-30 09:55