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Posts: 70
Hello BSI specialists
A collector mailed me asking if all 1970 7c G.P.O. have double printed NSW stamps. He has a single and two on FDC and all have this error. As I saw normal ones I'm sure that they exist.
But nowhere could any information about these double prints be found!
Has a reader here more to tell?
The scans from the tw oFDCs are not very hi res but the double print can be identified.
Thanks, Roland
2015-08-24 16:47
Posts: 70
Same issue again:
when comparing the scan (o.k. low res strongly blown up) with a scan of my stamp, I have the impression that the rectangle at left and the TULAGI postmark are handdrawn.
But who would fake a stamp or FDC worth less than a glass of beer costs?
Clueless - Roland
2015-08-24 18:19
Posts: 70
The collector who asked the double print question confirmed that the scanner distorted the postmark but that the double print of the NSW stamp is there.
2015-08-25 12:19