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Posts: 70
I'm rather new in the BSIP area but I'd say the Ebay item 270369720322 has a faked TULAGI cancel.
The distance between the characters and the circle is too great. The "U" is wrong. The "I T I" in BRITISH have an anglewhich is too big etc.
Please see attachment - the size of the two cancels is not comparable as I don't know the resolution of the cover at Ebay.
At left a good one - at right the cancel of the cover.
Regards, Roland

P.S.: The handwriting of the address does not fit to 1908.
2009-04-06 14:29
Posts: 70
Could it eventually be a Mme Joseph fake?
2009-04-11 10:08
Posts: 33
Yes I think it could well be a Madam Joseph Forgery - Tulagi T2 type. The date for this forgery is "NO 23 1909" which could the date on the strike you show; although the "U"appears slightly different the rest of the cancel seems to fit well with the Joseph forgery - see the attached image of the Joseph forgery.
2009-04-12 21:44
Posts: 1
Greetings (3 years late for this post but this is my first visit)
This item was posted twice on eBay. It did not sell the first time. At that time I contacted the seller about its provenance and the answer stated it was one of a large group purchased at auction and this was the only Solomon Island item. The price was quite high (at least 100 pounds when the pound was stronger) and it did not sell.

The scans do not show the complete cover which has a two penny and a half penny on a local letter addressed in pencil !!!

When it was re-offered (which was probably 2009) the price had come down to 49 or 50 pounds (and also sterling was more affordable) and I purchased it - to keep it off the market and as a reference. Although the Tulagi is a fake cancel it is quite well done. The mystery to me is why have not others examples of this fake turned up.

Ian Kimmerly
2012-07-02 19:47